wholesale@towerrex.com Ukraine, Kyiv

The Village - Modular MDF/HDF Terrain Set

- The only limit to variations of the dungeon is your fantasy;
- Detalization will help you and your friends dive deeper into the game;
- Mechanical parts of a dungeon terrain are just the right flavor to create a realistic atmosphere;
- This is a great gift to a boardgaming friend, your GM or just the loved one;
- HDF is smooth to the touch and sturdy enough to withstand a fall, so you can be sure of set's safety when somebody flips the table;
- The terrain goes really well with 25mm/28mm/32mm miniatures and systems. Our cells are 26x26mm.
- The product is modular and compatible with all of our terrain including the Buildings Set, the Castle Set and both waves of the Deep Dark Dungeon.
- The assembly is easy and followed up with a set of detailed instructions which can be found here - http://towerrex.com/
- You will need just a bit of glue for the assembly, so mind that it is not included in the product's set.

The basic set comprises:

- Smithy;
- Big House;
- Small House x3;
- Market;
- Stable;
- Fence.
- Barn

The product is flat-packed and ready for assembly.

One dungeon for each of your adventures!

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